Beatriz Morales - Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca

Beatriz Morales exhibits her agave fibre installation work Ts’ul at the group exhibition "Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca”, also featuring work by Julieta Aranda, Luis Carrera-Maul, Mariana Castillo Deball, Emilio Chapela, Sandra Contreras & Anselmo Fox, Beatriz Morales, Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Gabriel Rossell Santillán.

Ts'ul I
Agave fiber, natural pigments and linen on jute
600 x 210 x 10 cm

Beatriz Morales featured in "Die Kunst - Women in Art"

A feature on Beatriz Morales entitled “Texturen des Ursprungs” (Textures of Origin) is published in the September 2020 issue of “Die Kunst - Women in Art”. The magazine is available as the art supplement for Capital magazine (Sept. 2020 issue), available in stores accross Germany.

You can read the full magazine online HERE.

Beatriz Morales featured in “Die Kunst - Women in Art” (Capital Magazin, September 2020)